Entry fee is $1


Communication and design

  • Interactive projects

  • Media

  • Craft

  • Branding and Communication Design

Music and sound

  • Music

  • Mastery in music

  • Sound engineering

Registration info

Integrated Campaigns

Campaigns using different tools and communication channels (with a minimum of 3 tools and channels online and offline).

  • project description
  • screenshot or project illustration (for a work page on the web site)
  • video-case link (up to three minutes)
  • list of communication channels  (minimum of three) in a description
  • case page link (optional)

Digital Campaigns

Solutions for brands promotion with a use of digital tools and channels (incl. Digital Out of Home). Evaluation is based on strategic approach, creativity and effectiveness.

  • project description

  • screenshot or project illustration (for a work page on the web site)

  • video-case link (up to three minutes)

  • list of communication channels  (minimum of three) in a description

  • case page link (optional)


Video for TV and Digital campaigns.

  • project description
  • project illustration (for a work page on the web site)
  • project link (video, website)
  • videocase link (optional)

Non-commercial Projects

Projects in a digital environment made for non-commercial purposes (charity, educational, social etc.), except for self-promo projects

  • project description
  • project illustration (for a work page on the web site)
  • video-case link (up to three minutes) or a presentation board link 
  • project link (optional)


Projects which aim to increase brand recognition or to alter reputation of personal brand agencies, studios and freelancers.

  • project description

  • project illustration (for a work page on the web site)

  • project link (optional)

  • video-case link (up to three minutes) or presentation board


Any projects where, according to an author of submission, absolutely new digital solutions were applied (incl. AR, VR, 360° videos, AI projects).

  • project description

  • project illustration (for a work page on the web site)

  • video-case link (up to three minutes) or a presentation link

  • project link (optional)

Special Projects

Projects: content-based, (non)interactive, banner-based which are developed especially for a channel/platform with consideration of its specifics

  • project description
  • project illustration or presentation board (for a work page on the web site)
  • screencast link for interactive projects

Use of Media

Campaigns in which media channels and formats are used in a non-standart way to show brand advantages.

  • project description
  • project illustration (for a work page on the web site)
  • project link (optional)
  • video-case link (up to three minutes) or presentation board

Creative copywriting

Projects which, according to an author of submission, is an example of a copywriter’s outstanding work: ideas for campaigns, scripts, texts (for a website, a campaign, a banner, an app, social networks), names, slogans. What is assessed: uniqueness of the idea and language, compatibility of an idea with the brand needs.

  • project description

  • project illustration (for a work page on the website)

  • link to the full version of the text — in description

  • project link (link to a website, a model board, an app, a video, a banner, a special project and etc.)


Jury evaluate director’s skills, vision and methods he/she delivers brand message

  • project description
  • project illustration (for a work page on the web site)
  • link on video
  • making of (optional)

Visual effects

Animated videos and social media shows. Jury evaluate creative and technical level of the execution, new approach.

  • project description
  • project illustration (for a work page on the web site)
  • link on video
  • making of (optional)

Animation, motion-design

Animated projects: animation in video and digital projects.

  • project description

  • project illustration (for a work page on the web site)

  • link on video

  • making of (optional)

Music and Sound Design

Examples of sound editing in ad projects in digital sphere: music, background noises, sound effects, jingles, integrated audio sequence - the material varies depending on the project’s concept. What is assessed: the idea and originality of the solution, compatibility with the project’s tasks, quality of technical execution, using features from the interactive environment, the method of creation.

  • project description
  • project illustration (for a work page on the web site)
  • case study or a link on the project

Websites Design

Commercial and corporate sites, promosites etc.

  • project description
  • project illustration (for a work page on the web site)
  • a board or screen shots (up to 5, JPEG, up to 1400 X 3000 px)
  • project link
  • videocase link (optional)

Apps Design

Any apps (entertainment, service, developing, information etc) developed for mobile phones, smart phones, tablets and made for a particular brand for ad purposes.

  • project description

  • project illustration (for a work page on the web site)

  • working app link

  • video-case link (up to three minutes) or presentation board link


Illustration in offline and online projects for commercial and promotional purposes.

  • project description
  • project illustration (for a work page on the web site)
  • case study or a link on the project

UX, UI & Journey Design

Websites, apps, any other interactive products which, according to a user, are easy to use (the design, the interface).

The assessment is based on the jury’s user experience and on other users’ experience of product exploitation (based on provided indicators of effectiveness). 

Products have to:

– have more than 5 pages

– follow the non-linear user path.

  • product description
  • project illustration (for a work page on the web site)
  • project link
  • video-case link (up to three minutes) or a presentation link

In a description:

  • website traffic data, time spent on a page, indicator of refusals, goal achieving conversion.


Logo design or redesign for any companies, products and services

  • project description
  • project illustration (for a work page on the web site)
  • case study or a link on the project

Brand Identity

New branding or rebranding for any companies, products and services

  • project description
  • project illustration (for a work page on the web site)
  • case study or a link on the project

Promotional printed Media and Item Design

Posters, postcards, indoor and outdoor samples, t-shirts, calendars and other accessories etc.

  • project description
  • project illustration (for a work page on the web site)
  • case study or a link on the project

Music track (piece)

Author's track, created by an artist, producer or team, in one of the described genres. Contestants can themselves identify their direction of music, if it partially relates to the described genres, related directions are considered. Works that have already been released are accepted for participation.

1) send a link to the track in soundcloud
2) project description
3) a photo of the contestant

Original performer

A piece of music and an image of a performer, musician, or team that combine authentic images have their own style, a memorable manner of performance

1) send a link to the track in soundcloud
2) project description
3) a photo of the contestant

Discovery of the year

Artist, musician, producer, team that do not have a large audience, but have great potential and quality material

1) send a link to the track in soundcloud
2) project description
3) a photo of the contestant


A creative example of the arrangement of an author's track, in one of the described genres (alternative, trap, pop, electronic music, indie, jazz).

1) send a link to the track in soundcloud
2) project description
3) a photo of the contestant


A music track that evaluates a musical idea and main melody, in one of the genres described (alternative, trap, pop, electronic music, indie, jazz)

1) send a link to the track in soundcloud
2) project description
3) a photo of the contestant

Sound design

Technical performance of sound design in cinema, advertising, games using
modeling of sound spaces. Creation of special sound effects for screen and multimedia works.

1) send a video in which the presented work is used
2) send a separate audio file with the work
3) prepare a project description
4) a photo of the contestant
5) comments


Music track created using own samples, recorded from improvised objects and sounds of nature (Foley)


1) send a link to the track in soundcloud
2) prepare a project description
3) a photo of the contestant
4) comments

Generative music

Creation of a piece of music (song or set (set time limit of no more than 30 minutes)) generatively
Creation of an algorithm for generating music

1) send a link to the track in soundcloud
2) prepare a project description
3) a photo of the contestant
4) comments


Creation of a musical composition, the main one which is the beat and bass

1) send a link to the track in soundcloud
2) prepare a project description
3) a photo of the contestant
4) comments

Live recording and mixing

An instrumental composition or song in genres (alternative, indie, jazz, electronic music), which was created in the studio, using live instruments or analog synthesizers, and went through all stages of musical production and post-production

1) send a link to the track in soundcloud
2) prepare a project description
3) a photo of the contestant
4) comments

Creating depth in the mix

Creative and technical performance in a musical composition that appreciates the depth in the music created through spatial processing, volume and panorama

1) send a link to the track in soundcloud
2) prepare a project description
3) a photo of the contestant
4) comments

Vocal processing

Creative and technical performance in a musical composition, which assesses the dynamic, spatial processing of vocals, the use of vocal effects, paranomy, work with backing


1) send a link to the track in soundcloud
2) prepare a project description
3) a photo of the contestant
4) comments