Backit cashback rebranding Plenum CX

Branding and Communication Design
Brand Identity
ePN Cashback


ePN Cashback (now – Backit) is a fast-developing cashback service from Kazan, one of the leaders in this category. We were challenged to develop brand positioning, a unique brand name and visual system to attract new audience.

Ideas and solutions

We decided to incorporate the client's boldness, cheerfulness and positivity into the brand character, which we called “IT gangsta superstar”. This was a starting point to create a daring and vivid brand. Backit! Take it back! It’s a straight-out call to action that reflects the brand character and fits into the category. Sticker bombing is how Backit protests against overpaying. Stickers help us change prices, conditions and experience. Big cashback becomes even bigger, all purchases become bargains. They help accentuate the main thought, bring attention to something or create bold image.