"Berry Family" Макс Сергиенко

Branding and Communication Design
Newly created berry farm
"Berry Family


Create a brand for a newly established blueberry berry farm. The main idea of the farm is the end consumer. The company does not want to contact wholesale buyers. Instead, give only fresh plucked berries directly to the buyer, delivering them in ecological packaging. Therefore, the task is to create the image of a family company as close as possible to a common buyer

Ideas and solutions

Sometimes we make decisions, hesitating for a long time, discussing the pros and cons for years. And sometimes - just listen to your heart. The company's founder Marina did just that. She chose the land. I studied technology. Planted 25,000 blueberry bushes. I softened the soil only with the best fertilizers. She looks at each plant every day. He speaks every bush every day. He smiles every day. Because he knows this land can produce a miracle. One day you will definitely try it. In the process of meeting the founder of the company, who dreams of growing high-quality berries for all people on the planet, we gradually created the image of a mother for whom giving the best to her family is a lifelong task. That is why the idea was born to unite all connoisseurs of benefits around the brand, and to enable the brand to be present in the lives of its customers. We have reflected the family character of the brand in the logo, symbolically displaying family members in a close circle - the shape of a blueberry berry, complementing it with italic type, symbolizing the font of letters written by hand on our close summer evening