SIBERIAN LEVAK РГ Мелехов и Филюрин

Special Projects
LAVA coffee

This work
in other

Brand Identity


Our permanent partner Lava Coffee specializes in the supply of coffee beans and equipment to offices. In the spring of 2020, orders along with people from these very offices disappeared due to very obvious reasons. It was necessary to urgently switch to the delivery of grain to private customers. We were asked to solve this problem.

Ideas and solutions

We approached the issue quite informally. By April 1, 2020, a new brand of coffee from the company Lava — SIBERIAN LEVAK was launched. A short extract from the description: "Scientists from Novosibirsk Akademgorodok helped develop a new type of coffee, which is produced in a way similar to the production of the most expensive coffee variety today — Kopi Luwak. The role of small rodents from Indonesia was tried and successfully performed by domesticated foxes, which had lived for a long time near coffee warehouses. Drawing attention to the genuine passion of local foxes for the consumption of coffee beans, scientists from Novosibirsk Akademgorodok turned out to be there to take the animal’s excrement for analysis. It turned out that the proteins contained in the coffee beans, which were broken down by the digestive activity of the foxes, was even better than one from civets, so when roasting the taste and aroma of the coffee are largely enhanced. Foxes are much bigger animals than civets, and their enzyme indicators are better, thus the coffee we get is also cheaper." The name, by the way, indicates that coffee fermentation is not the main activity of Siberian foxes... (Levak in Russian means an affair or illegal income) For the new coffee brand, we have developed: — name and packaging; — landing page:; — ironic copyright; — merch; — Instagram page: Result: — Publications in the Federal media and a lot of reposts in social networks; — The guys from Lava Coffee were able to collect private orders and went through a difficult time of self-isolation; — The SIBERIAN LEVAK is successfully sold (not only in the form of coffee, but also in the format of real merch) and has gained ardent fans.