Flowers for doctors Зырянов Богдан

Interactive projects
Non-commercial Projects
Multimedia Art Museum, Moscow
COVID-19 doctors


The COVID-19 pandemic has reminded us and the whole world that the most valuable thing we have - our own lives and the lives of our loved ones - depends on doctors at critical moments. People applauded them from the balconies, sang to them, fed them hot meals and supplied them with personal protective equipment, which at the beginning of the pandemic was scarce in hospitals. Doctors were the heroes of the day. We decided to thank them.

Ideas and solutions

The Multimedia Art Museum, Pikcher agency, Reikhan Kasimova - the MAMM trustee and the co-founder of the .ART domain zone, as well as the platform launched the Flowers to Doctors flashmob. Professional and non-professional artists, adults and children, with the help of paintings, photographs, sculptures, videos, expressed their gratitude to the doctors. All one had to do to participate in the flashmob was to share a photo of one’s work on the social network of their choice with the hashtag #flowersfordoctors. Then, the museum curators selected the best works and formed an exposition of the same name, which included works by masters of contemporary Russian art, young artists, as well as works by non-professional authors of all ages. On 7th September MAMM hosted a gala opening, where doctors who worked overtime during the COVID-19 pandemic were specially invited. At the end of the exhibition, there will be an auction of works included in the exposition. 40% of the proceeds will go to support artists who, during the epidemic, also turned out to be a socially unprotected segment of the population, having lost their jobs and previously planned exhibitions, and 60% of the funds will be donated as targeted assistance to the families of doctors and medical workers who died during the epidemic. Also, the entrance to MAMM for all doctors, paramedics and medical students will now and forever be free. CAMPAIGN RESULTS: We received thousands of works from artists from all over Russia. 50+ mentions in top media. 2 artists out of 59 who were selected for the exhibition are illustrators of our agency