Anti-coronacrisis campaign “Moscow Helps! Subsidies for Small Business" AdWorm

Branding and Communication Design
Promotional printed Media and Item Design
Department of Entrepreneurship & Innovative Development of Moscow
Department of Entrepreneurship & Innovative Development of Moscow


– raise awareness among small and medium-sized businesses in Moscow about the financial relief measures offered by the Moscow Government; – inform the target audience about terms, conditions, and new requirements to SMEs, willing to apply for a subsidy; – call the target audience to action – apply for a subsidy on the landing page; – reinforce the positive image of the DE&ID as an authority focused on supporting and promoting small and medium-sized enterprises.

Ideas and solutions

In the spring 2020, as a result of the pandemic and lockdown, Moscow’s SME sector was in a very challenging situation: quarantine restrictions, harsh health and safety regulations, temporary interruption of business operations, decline in demand, closed borders, changes in market environment, and etc. Some businesses were on the verge of bankruptcy, and the vast majority suffered significant losses. In order to aid small and medium-sized businesses, the Moscow Government offered a package of emergency relief measures for a total amount of RUR 85 billion. The Department of Entrepreneurship and innovative development of Moscow (DE&ID) implemented a project entitled “Moscow Comes To Rescue!”, aimed to ensure awareness about the financial relief measures for the SME sector. The first wave of the comprehensive advertising campaign “Moscow Comes To Rescue!” (March – June 2020) encompassed all the existing channels: digital, traditional media, outdoor advertising, partner programs, and etc. AdWorm agency was responsible for the visual side of the campaign: from key visual to designing a landing page ( and adapting campaign contents to different communication channels. The campaign was launched as quickly as possible — it took less than a week to start it. Comprehensive campaign results: – total reach – over 10 million contacts; – applications processed – 62 099; – companies that received a consultation – 14 009; – initial applications for subsidy received – 21 906; – out of which, 4 206 were approved for filing paperwork; – out of which, paperwork was received on 1 312 applications; – 635 applications were approved, totaling RUR 778 097 094.