Rebranding of a Chemical Industry Leader Electric Brand Consultants

Metafrax Group
Metafrax Group

This work
in other

Websites Design Brand Identity


Today Metafrax Group is the largest methanol producer in Russia and Europe with a multi-billion revenue and production assets in Russia, Austria and Korea. Metafrax Group needed to bring its brand in line with its business strategy. As the company was starting a new chapter of its development, our agency was engaged to develop a new brand for Metafrax Group: connect all daughter companies; create a single mother brand and a visual language that united all of them.

Ideas and solutions

Our marketing goal was to create a new brand that would be understood by all external audiences – clients, partners, government and the society – and the internal audiences – company’s employees in multiple countries. We worked on brand's positioning and brand strategy (we created a single brand platform, consisting of vision, mission and values for all companies). We also worked on brand name and architecture: we created a mother brand Metafrax Group and gave totally new names for several companies to align all of the new brand names into a single brand architecture. Afterwards, we developed a visual identity with all visual elements. Our visual breakthrough was the corporate color: Metafrax Purple, which was hard to sell to the members of the Board. Purple is a unique and noble color and symbolizes transformation. To implement the new brand into digital we developed corporate websites for Metafrax Group and sub-brands ( We also produced a brand movie that shows the future path of the brand, which was screened at the grand opening event in Perm in October 2019 in the presence of industry leaders and government officials. You can watch it here: