Diagnost - health control Live Typing

Interactive projects

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Apps Design UX, UI & Journey Design


Create an application that will help people monitor their health and feel good.

Ideas and solutions

Diagnost is a mobile application to monitor your health and get medical advice. The user buys one of the tests, through a courier sends the tests to the laboratory, and the application shows him the decoded result with personal recommendations of the doctor. 3D-model of a person allows you to visually track the state of your body. If the results of the tests show that something is wrong with him, the body part, which is in danger, will turn yellow or red, and the application will tell you how to restore health. Storing tests from different laboratories, linking indicators to body systems and creating a system of recommendations required deep medical expertise from the client and from our team - careful design and complex backend work. Given the specifics of the application and the market for which it was produced (England), Live Typing has redesigned the design and logo, developed a native application for iOS, rendering, administrative panel, server and API. Now Diagnost offers various tests for a deeper study of the user's immunity, mood, energy, the work of his cardiovascular system, sexual activity, nutrition and sleep.