Creating a Youtube channel for the Golden Apple company. Виктор Спичка

Interactive projects
Digital Campaigns


Developing a strategy and launching a Youtube channel; Perfect and high-quality video production. Implementation of brand awareness goals. Global goal-wow-case in beauty industry; KPI fulfillment – 100k subscribers on the channel, 1 million video views;

Ideas and solutions

Beauty format is popular on YouTube and is implemented, most often, by an infinite number of videos about testing cosmetics and make-up tutorials from bloggers. You can only break through the mass of identical beauty videos available on Youtube, which is as dense as your Foundation, with a completely non-standard approach. What do people like to do most on social media? The correct answer is to rest! So we decided to attract the audience by entertaining them. We have developed unique categories and formats for the Russian segment of Youtube. Visually flawless production with sharp plots. In each episode of the show, the characters-popular influencers and bloggers-found themselves in unusual and comedic situations. In the category "Guy paints a girl", YouTube star couples tested their relationship for strength – the guy, literally, did makeup to his girlfriend, without having any makeup artist skills. For one of the videos of the “Make-up challenge " format, we rented an amusement Park and put a famous blogger on a roller coaster ride and made him do an evening makeup. Andrey Petrov tested cosmetics on a massager, Natalina painted in a moving subway train car, Igor Sinyak jumped on a trampoline. Thanks to the chosen content strategy, we managed to attract the attention of the site's users to the new channel and achieve impressive results. It was decided to abandon targeting completely. The mechanics of promotion consisted in placing special teasers of the Golden Apple channel videos in the accounts of popular youtubers. All cosmetics mentioned in the issues are sold only in supermarkets Golden Apple. Quantitative indicators: 150K-subscriber growth, likes - 330K, comments - 110k, video views - 6M