Garage Digital Vladimir Shlygin

Interactive projects
Digital Campaigns
Garage Museum of Contemporary Art


Bringing together artists, scientists, programmers, and art historians, Garage Digital aims to explore and support the new languages of visual culture that are emerging under the influence of advanced technologies and new media on everyday life and on artistic and research practices.

Ideas and solutions

In 2019, Garage Museum of Contemporary Art commissioned us, Materialist studio, to create its new digital art platform. Garage Digital is a project that reflects on digital cultures, so the curators team initially set three topics as the principal messages for all the project communications: the digital interface, the digital generation and the digital anthropomorphism. We've used these messages as a reference point in our research and reinterpreted them as visual features in different parts of the platform design and campaign illustration. Garage Digital programme identity was designed with a conscious allusion to the evolution of human interaction with technology. The project's design system reflects different stages of user interface design, starting from the early pioneering ideas of 1960s up to modern design languages. The left navigation block of the website is a reference to the early pioneering interfaces such as MS DOS and terminal window. The right block with posts and articles is inspired by feed user interfaces — chats and messengers specifically — used by many apps and websites today. Thus, both of the screens represent feeds from two different epochs. Garage Digital pictogram was designed a combination of the letter "G" and the arrow pictogram used in the website as a loading indicator. It is an allusion to symbolic languages in interfaces. For the visuals we decided to use Unity game engine, Processing library and neural networks to convey the ideas about the programme. These digital instruments were chosen not only for being widely used by modern digital artists, but because they are steadily making their way to become the mediums of the future. The visual campaign consisted of three videos: gameplay inside a blank model of Garage building, digital noise algorithms recording and special sequence of morphing faces generated specially with StyleGAN neural network.