Kak tebe takoe, Elon Musk? Ruport

Interactive projects
Digital Campaigns

This work
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Goal: To register 20,000 visitors at the business forum Delo Za Malim (Act Small), designed to attract aspiring entrepreneurs and help to existing small and medium businesses. This is very hard to start a business in Russian province, so we needed a huge idea to inspire our target audience.

Ideas and solutions

Idea: To invite the most famous entrepreneur Elon Musk to speak at the Forum. Decision: We had recorded humorous video invitation for Elon Musk. The video was placed on the website (https://welcomeelon.com/) and could be reached by following the QR-code on the billboard near the headquarter of SpaceX in LA. This invitation became viral in Russian media. Elon Musk saw the video and replied in Twitter. Then his office had contacted the forum’s organizers and, finally, 18th of October Elon spoke at the forum by Zoom and for free. Results: The campaign got 576,793,808 media impressions and forum received more than 40,000 registered participants.