Naked Mad God - Hach Max Tesla

Original performer


Such multicultural mix has a direct impact on the band’s sound, and Hach is a prime example of that.

Ideas and solutions

The signature sound of Naked Mad God is being created by the Avar (Dagetan) front-man and the project ideologist Murad Gamzatkhanov, the Serbian sampler and modular sound designer Max Tesla, Georgian Drummer George Dzhikiya, and the Russian guitarist bathrobeman (Nikita Ivanov). Such multicultural mix has a direct impact on the band’s sound, and Hach is a prime example of that. One half of the sounds from the song were recorded in Dagestan by Murad and Max, half of them are a product of an FM-synthesis. Inspired by the audio-visual work “Sounds of Vladivostok” by Marios Ioannou Elia, Murad and Max traveled to Dagestan with a field recorder and mountain equipment to record various combinations of sound. You can hear the sound of the Rachabulda River, the mountain rain and the crackling of shells from the Caspian Sea. Authentic Avar percussions and pandur (a national Avar string instrument) are also within the mix. Hach is about the duality of the perception of the world by musicians. Personally, Murad is a person who was born and raised within the European culture and mentality, but from his childhood was under the yoke of education in the Caucasian culture. That is why the composition is divided into two parts: ethnic with interspersed modern sound, and a rather straightforward electronic avant-garde. Hach is a story about both internal and external conflict of musicians from different cultures who grew up in the European part of Russia. Conflict with conservative family and friends, and a transition into a contemporary adulthood.