Online game "Living by touch" Зонхоева Люда

Interactive projects
Digital Campaigns
Deafblind support foundation "Connection"
Deafblind support foundation "Connection"


Deafblind support foundation "Connection" unites organizations that offer people with deaf-blindness opportunities for integration into society. Main goal of our project — to explain to a wide audience how the deaf-blind people perceive the world

Ideas and solutions

INSIGHT AND BIG IDEA To reach the main goal, we ourselves needed to understand the deafblind people perception model. After conducting a number of interviews with specialists, we found out that not all deaf-blind people have complete loss of vision. Therefore, the idea was to create first Russian interactive game on the behalf of a deafblind person. In essence, the game consists of five levels with increasing difficulty. To go to the next level one must answer the question “What is in front of you?” and choose one of the four answers. The faster the user guesses what the objects are and the fewer mistakes he or she makes, the more points they can score. By the end of the game users will be able to find out how they would feel in the world of a deafblind person, share a link to the game on social networks and donate to the "Connection". RESULTS 1. More than 86,000 players have played the online game. Every 5th player went to the "Connection" website. 2. The game was mentioned in 149 publications, and the total OTS amounted to more than one and a half billion people. 90% of all publications were posted in the media that are not devoted to news of charity and social sphere. 3. In 2019, donations to the "Connection" increased by 561 thousand rubles compared to the same period last year. At the same time, the Foundation did not any other digital activities during this period. For example, 561 thousand rubles is relevant: • 8 courses of hearing and speech rehabilitation for children; • Or 3 months of work of the Polygon, where the latest technologies are tested and improved; • Or 1 month of operation of 25 leisure centers for the people with deafblindness in the regions of the Russian Federation; • Or 1 month of residence for 8 lonely people with deafblindness in the House of Accompanied Residence; • Or it is an opportunity to purchase a "smart" cane for 4 people with deafblindness