Increasing of G8 team. Danil Snitko became a partner of the festival

This year Danil Snitko became a partner of the festival on a competition basis.  

Danil is a co-founder and art director of branding agencies PUNK YOUR BRANDS and “Dva Slova”.  He’s also a co-founder and a producer of “Fakefestival", a festival of creative conceptions. A lawyer by education, a creative entrepreneur by profession.

“The festival began from the contest for me and during these 4 years, it was disappointing that there are a little resources left to develop it. That's why we needed a strong and experienced partner for the development of this part of the festival. Fortunately, Danil agreed to accept our offer. I think that G8 crew became incredibly coherent and cool and I’m very pleased about that” – Founder of the festival of creative industries Vitaliy Bykov.

Danil Snitko has shared his plans to collaborate with G8: 

"I'm incredibly grateful to join the G8 crew. I'll do my best to make the festival into a significant event for all the creative industry which is high time to cheer up.

I’m responsible for competitive part, nominations, the tone of the contest, assessment criteria and communication with the jury. I plan to change the nomination structure, put all the verbal communication in order, make the work pitch more convenient, redraft the system of awarding, start a new contest".

Works are adopted on the official website of the festival. An international jury will evaluate the works online. An executive jury will form a long-list and the Great Eight will decide the winner. You can apply for the contest till 26 October. 

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