New Jury Member - Juliana Cobb, Executive Creative Director, Droga5 New York

In the executive jury, Juliana Cobb will evaluate participants' works at the G8 Awards. She is Executive Creative Director at the Droga5 New York.

A copywriting career that began in the digitally-charged San Francisco of 2001 taught her the power of an idea that comes through in a banner as easily as a longform film or real-life activation. It’s a skill which, since then, has led to award-winning work among a wide range of top brands, in agencies from the west coast to the east.

After joining Droga5 in 2016, Juliana’s been leading amazing work with brilliant people across a range of categories, from health supplements to meal kits to premium water to banking to diapers. Manhattan is home these days (in a bona fide apartment!) with a wild cat named Bean.

Quick reminder: 19 days remain until the deadline of submitting your works to G8 Awards. The price of the application is 1$. We are expecting to see you at the G8!