“Poetry” section to pilot at G8 Festival

Conventionally, poetry is not considered an industry, since poets rarely make money from their poems. Therefore, it was decided to focus the new festival section on enlightenment instead of industry issues.

A curator - Sergei Sdobnov - poet, critic, curator of the public program at the «Pioner Cinema», author of articles on contemporary culture for «Colta», «Republic», «Vedomosti», «Takie Dela» and other media. He is an author of the book of poems "Beloe Serdtse" (White Heart) - poems from the book were translated into Latvian and Italian language.

Sergey gathered some curious speakers:

Andrey Cherkasov - poet, artist and publisher. Andrey is the founder of the «vsegonichego» publishing project, which releases books by local contemporary poets. He is also a member of the Media Poetry Lab, a halftone community, and a member of the editorial council of the «GRYOZA» project. Finalist of the «LiteratuRRentgen» award, laureate of the «Forest Prize» of the «Pushkin Laboratories» poetry festival. Andrey Cherkasov will speak about what media poetry is like today.

Ekaterina Zakharkiv is a poetess, researcher of contemporary poetry, translator. Currently she is a graduated student, a junior researcher at the Institute of Linguistics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, she teaches Russian and English, and is a literature editor. Co-editor of the journal «F-pismo» at «Syg,ma», member of the editorial council of the «GRYOZA» project, a co-founder and co-editor of the fire-almanac. Ekaterina will talk about three digital projects related to the poetry, mentioned before: «F-pismo», «fire-almanac», and the «GRYOZA» media.

Ilya Danishevsky - poet, novelist, publisher, curator of the literature program at the Voznesensky Center. Ilya is the head of the «Anhedonia» project, dedicated to research of the legitimization of violence in contemporary Russia, and is also a curator of the literature department at Snob.ru. Author of the books "Tenderness for the Dead" and "Mannelig in Chains." Finalist of the Andrei Bely Prize and the Arkady Dragomoshchenko Prize. His texts have been translated into numerous foreign languages. Ilya will tell about his experience in publishing contemporary poetry in the publishing holding «AST» and the new publishing house "Centrifuga".

Feel free to listen to our guests at G8 on December 4. Tickets are free of charge this year – for the first time: https://2020.ggggggggfest.com/ru