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Create a vivid image. Attract the attention of potential customers - medium and small businesses
Ideas and solutions
Having come to the conclusion that the main target audience is managers or Directors of small companies, I decided to reproduce the scenario of their behavior when searching for the right contractor, in order to understand how I can hook them. In General, it is almost always the same - they write in the search engine "print logo on packages", "packages with logo", "Penza packages", "packages with logo cheap"... And then open the car tabs, trying to find what you need. Therefore, I decided that the corporate style should definitely be bright and sticky, so that our target audience at least for a minute paused, performing this tedious work, searching for a good contractor, and looked at a nice pattern. Almost no two orders are the same, they are always different layouts, shapes, colors, and fonts... This is what I displayed in the corporate pattern. You help your customers from a regular package to do something special. Therefore, you can change the color spots in the logo, at your discretion, the name and the frame for the shapes remain unchanged. Thanks to the vertical writing, the idea of "P - pen package" appeared, more precisely, first the idea, then the inversion of the inscription) This spelling will definitely distinguish you from your competitors. I would of course could say - "ENTO means that the company is growing up, as the inscription reads..." but this is nonsense Firstly, this is how the idea with the package is read, and secondly, it will definitely delay attention, since complex spelling makes a person stop-"difficult to read - easy to remember» In General, the FS is very positive, in order for tired managers to have a feeling of easy work - "with these guys, you don't need extra officialdom" everything is simple and fast