Rebranding of «Bukvoed» bookstores LINII

Creative copywriting

This work
in other

Logo Brand Identity


«Bukvoed» book chain stores has 140 stores now, being the undisputed market leader in the entire region. Our goal was to make the corporate identity sociable, concise and expressive. The important task was to give the brand a special «Petersburg» character, intelligent and ironic.

Ideas and solutions

Concept name «Iconic book stores of St. Petersburg» combines the important (iconic) position of the network in the city and graphic signs (icons) as the basis of corporate identity and communication. The key element of the new style is brand quotation marks, which turn brand materials into direct speech. And punctuation marks that help structure the text, express emotions, and interact with customers. New images have funny quotes, Petersburg «words» and the irony inherent in the city's residents. «Bukvoed», as a true Petersburger, is multi-layered. It does not just sell books, but promotes the culture of reading and brings authors closer to their readers, creating a comfortable space for meetings and communication. So the main task of the new positioning and corporate identity is to reflect this multi – layered, iconic, symbolism. And through this game inspire reading, development, new discoveries.