Gasoline Citadel Зырянов Богдан

Special Projects
Tinkoff Bank
Tinkoff Drive card

This work
in other

Animation, motion-design


In 2018 Tinkoff released a Drive Card with special terms for drivers. They asked us to engage relevant web users and attract as many sign-ups for card registration as possible. We know that the target audience of car owners is not so easy to reach, expensive to target and has vehicles that are thirsty for gasoline. We’ve decided to satisfy their thirst.

Ideas and solutions

Inspired by Mad Max and the news about gas prices rising, we’ve built a Gasoline Citadel. It is a game where you are a crazy king who controls the people with fuel. Every second being in power turns into points that can be credited to a real Tinkoff Drive card. If you played poorly and spilled all the fuel, people start scrambling for revenge. At this moment a button in the form of a Tinkoff Drive card comes to the rescue. When you click on it, extra gasoline floods the gameboard and washes the rebels away. It is a visual metaphor that showcases the main advantage of the product — the ability to save resources with this card. To reach an expensive audience of car owners, we shared the game across thematic communities and set up a precise targeting campaign with a call to participate in the project for a chance to win 1000 liters of gasoline. Those who went for free gas stayed for game and shared it with others, because it’s fun! More importantly, we surpassed the established KPIs due to the viral potential of the game. 137 thousand users played it, 113 of them reached the final and 17 390 people clicked on a dedicated button that said, "Issue a card." 25 thousand players shared the result of the game on social media. And it seems, they really liked it. Ekaterina Loginova, Head of content marketing at Tinkoff Bank said, “The game turned out really cool. Guys from Picturer once again displayed good sense of humor and impressive game designing skills. The chosen format aligned perfectly with our main goal: thanks to the game, we received new clients who learned about our new Tinkoff Drive card designed for car owners. Existing clients liked the game as well, so we are very happy with the result.”