Mockumentary movie * “Non-artificial intelligence” Агентство TRIKO

Animation, motion-design
Dmitry Volkov
Dmitry Volkov


Dmitry Volkov

Challenge application: creating and implementing a concept for promoting character’s name brand on various platforms, including social media. Goal to create the first fully-featured Russian sci-fi mockumentary starring Dmitry Volkov CHALLENGE 1 Need for comprehensive content provided that the character lacks of time CHALLENGE 2 need for intelligent content, but at the same time presented in a playful form that is easy to understand BUT WE DID IT!

Ideas and solutions

Outcome 35 thousand followers 68 per cent of channel engagement _01 developing the “Non-artificial intelligence” mockumentary concept and plot. Dmitry Volkov acts as an agent exposing artificial intelligence _02 video production: shootings combined vivid lifestyle plots, subtle humor and expert presentation of complicated topics _03 promoting the series in digital mass media and publications related to AI _04 the series raised awareness of the very topic of Artificial Intelligence, provoked discussion on its influence on humans and drew attention on Dmitry Volkov himself and his other projects _05 project coverage on the Sostav portal