A Regular Weapon Possible Group

Interactive projects
Integrated Campaigns
Greenpeace Russia
Greenpeace Russia


It was important to show how that plastic bags and straws can became a weapon in the hands of ordinary people and that’s why their usage should be restricted.

Ideas and solutions

In Russia most of deadly weapons are forbidden to sale. However, there is no law to control the sales of the most deadly one. It is extremely wide-spread and powerful and becomes the reason of deaths everyday. Every plastic bag, cup, fork or ear stick thrown beside trash bin is strong enough to kill a dozen of animals. We decided to sell plastic stuff as a real weapon — in gunshops, using special weapon cases and presenting it as something more powerful than a regular weapon in order to draw attention to this problem. The main goal of the campaign was to pass a law which forbids to produce and to sell plastic bags. The results of the campaign are: 1,2 mln total video views, 135 637 people signed the petition, 3,7 mln impressions, 16,1 millions ₽ earned media. The initiative of prohibition of disposable plastic has been discussed in parliament.