The Youth Time Road Tour: bridging online and offline Ахметова Регина

Special Projects
The Ministry of Youth Affairs of the Republic of Tatarstan
The #YouthTime Regional Youth Project


When local youth hears the word “Ministry” they visualize a big bureaucratic machine that has no idea about the real problems that the young faces. The “Youth Time” road tour around 45 Tatarstan districts was brought to life to bridge the gap between young people and the government. Our mission was to increase audience reach by integrating online and offline

Ideas and solutions

Make an integrated digital and physical game for the Ministry of Youth Affairs. We created an interactive Instagram game that made an audience go from online to offline. Road tour team members transformed into game characters completed missions that followers gave them on a daily basis to open a new part of the map that showed the next destination point. The road tour headed to the next city only after completing a mission. We succeeded in engaging the clip-thinking young audience by using the format of a visual game.