Love is stronger than nuclear war Сафронов Александр

Interactive projects
Integrated Campaigns


I’ve been in the creative and communications industry for years, so I decided to propose to my girlfriend in the most creative way possible and prove that love can survive all hardships, even a nuclear war.

Ideas and solutions

How can I prove that love is stronger than a nuclear war? The formula is simple: 1 game + 1 message + 2 people in love. The Metro video game series takes place in post-apocalyptic Russia, 20 years after a nuclear war. The development studio 4A Games were about to release the final DLC for Metro Exodus titled Sam’s story. I told 4A Games developers about my idea and asked them to add a little Easter egg to the game. They said: «Yes». Sam’s story was released a few days before Valentine’s Day. When I played through to the very moment in the game, I handed the control over to my girlfriend. She saw the message, I pulled out the ring and she said: «Yes». The developers congratulated us on Twitter and the tweet became viral right away.