Corporate website for the Kuzbass Regional Children's Clinical Hospital in Kemerovo Горбаров Илья

Websites Design
Kuzbass Regional Children's Clinical Hospital in Kemerovo
Kuzbass Regional Children's Clinical Hospital in Kemerovo

This work
in other



The goal was set to develop an image corporate website for the largest children's medical facility in Kuzbass. The purpose of the site is to show the hospital's services, its capabilities, and introduce the doctors. The previous website has not been changed for years. The head doctor wanted the image of the hospital to be presented as one of the most high-tech medical facility with a strong doctors team of all areas. Outdated design did not contribute to this image.

Ideas and solutions

Users of the site are not the patients themselves, but their parents. Parents want to know about the hospital in advance: which doctors will work with their child, what conditions of stay in the hospital, treatment and diagnosis options, and how much it may cost. We have structured that information and presented it in a user-friendly way. Design Working on design we rejected the obvious ideas, stock photos and images of the hospital on the main page, came up with animated illustrations, minimalism, clean colors and emphasis on the important for patients information instead. For the home page we drew illustrations that symbolically convey the situations of communication between patients and doctor. As we know minimalism is always perfectly complemented by animation. So when we decided on the style of illustrations, we got an idea to "revive" them. Structure The most important and useful to patients information was put on a home page. Then user goes to internal sections about specific doctors, services, or areas of activity of the hospital. The documents required by the law were placed in the "Useful" section at the bottom of the home page. Two basic user scenarios were put on the main screen. 1. Current patients want to get contact information and make an appointment immediately. These users will go to the needed section by clicking the "Patients" button. 2. Those who are searching for information about the hospital, its services and doctors to make a decision if they would go there. We invite them to get acquainted with the medical institution by the "More about the hospital" button. Promotion priorities such as maternity hospital, rehabilitation center "Zolotaya rybka" and dairy cuisine are placed as a separate block on a home page. Result The hospital obtained a recognizable image on the Internet, all the necessary information is systematized and collected in one place, and the hospital management can use the website to promote priority areas.