Promo site for the Green City contest Горбаров Илья

Websites Design
Kemerovo city government
Green City is an urban landscaping projects competition


The task was to develop a classy and clear website for registration and placement of contest works by participants - University and College students landscape designers and architects to be. The visual solution should convey the idea of the contest: urban environment improving.

Ideas and solutions

The site's target audience is landscape designers and architects. The site designed for such an audience carries on a creative atmosphere: a minimum of graphic elements, more air, and brevity. For the home page, we selected a contour illustration that applies to both architecture and landscape design, and added trees and shrubs. The design feature is in the user's interaction with the screen: with the move of the cursor the user paints a contour illustration with watercolors. This decision symbolizes that through this contest new parks will appear. The main page consists of four screens: competition stages, nominations, organizers, and contacts. Full page scroll allows to change content without changing background picture. Accent of the composition is the large red target Apply button. We preferred to change its common upper-right corner placement for a pass-through button placed in the center of the screen composition: it stays while scrolling and attracts attention.