Promo site of the city recreation area Park of Angels Горбаров Илья

Websites Design
Kemerovo City Administration
Park of Angels in Kemerovo


The site is designed to introduce citizens and visitors to all the details and facilities of city recreation area. According to the idea of the architects, the park embodies the nature of Kuzbass in miniature: it recreates the artificial landscape characteristic of the region, there planted Siberian trees and shrubs. The Park design is unique for the city.

Ideas and solutions

The main idea of the website is to show the life of the park. We have implemented an animation with a video from a day in the park on the home page: kids play on the playground, people enjoy the walk. The shape of the video follows the outline of the landscape. One of the sections of the site presents a virtual tour through the main objects with a map of the Park of Angels. Another section tells about the idea of the park's creators and architectural objects.