Promo site for the CNC Parts Manufacturer Горбаров Илья

Websites Design
CNC Parts Manufacturer
CNC Parts Manufacturer


Our client's goal was to test the idea of launching an online service that would allow his customers to calculate the cost of manufacturing parts online, place an order, pay, and track the delivery. To assess consumer demand, we suggested developing a promo site integrated with a third-party service for calculating the cost of work.

Ideas and solutions

The main function of the promo site is to show the company's capabilities. This task was solved through design and visual demonstration. An animated 3D model of a simple part was developed and placed on the first screen. This element symbolically conveys the company's essence and gives the user an idea of its services at the association level. The site consistently tells about the company's services, equipment and demonstrates work samples. If customers will be interested in this tool then there would be developed a customized service with a 3D designing tool, through which the user receives a calculation of the cost of manufacturing immediately, places the order, and pays.