Five Lakes AR Digital Lab

Interactive projects
Five Lakes
Five Lakes

This work
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Apps Design


Augmented reality app development for iOS and Android for the brand "Five Lakes"

Ideas and solutions

Together with Five Lakes, we have developed the first AR app for fans of fishing that turns any area into a lake and a smartphone button into a fishing rod. The game has become particularly relevant in the new reality as our options for travelling and recreation are limited. The app is based on the story about the brand's place of origin — the legendary land of the purest Siberian lakes. Their water was called "life-giving" for its special properties. That's where we got the idea of bringing life to reality and transferring the consumer to the world of the brand at the touch of a button. The app is developed to promote the brand and its new Organic filtered products with the help of engaging game mechanics, where the main prize will be iPhone 11 Pro. The AR app will also tell you about the features of the new SKU for Five Lakes: Siberian water, Alpha wheat alcohol and organic flax filtration. After registration, the user selects a character and goes fishing to one of the five unique lakes. At the beginning, only one lake is available to the player, but as the player is progressing in the game and scoring points, the others lakes are becoming available, as well as the possibility to change the fishing rod to a more advanced one. Game points are scored for fishing. The game has several types of game fishes and each fish gives you a different number of points. You can just enjoy the fishing process or compete with other players for the brand merch or the main prize — iPhone 11 Pro. The app has the rating table where players can track their progress or see the results of other users. Players who has reached the age of 18 years are allowed to participate. Each element of the game is drawn manually, and the objects look very realistic. We accurately created the bottle in 3D, and we managed to reproduce the effects of real glass: the bottle correctly reflects and refracts light. The app is developed with Unity EXCESSIVE ALCOHOL CONSUMPTION IS HARMFUL TO YOUR HEALTH