SKVOT. The now education Drama Queen

Creative copywriting


Skvot is an educational online-platform providing courses in creative industries. Unlike other creative schools in Ukraine, which offered long-term offline education, Skvot had entered the market with a new offer — short-time courses to jumpstart a professional growth.

Ideas and solutions

At Skvot, you get a user-friendly online workspace and the ability to get directly in touch with a lecturer on Telegram. The team of lecturers is represented exclusively by the industry’s go-to professionals. Everything at Skvot is fine-tuned for the modern students’ needs who often get their heads in the clouds, for easily distracted students. Our task was to help SKVOT make a loud brand statement. The Skvot manifesto tells about all benefits of the online school in the language spoken by its audience. Voiceover: This is not the education of tomorrow When our moms will stuff us with better genes And upload the wisdoms to our brains with chips And we’ll go to Mars like we go to the gym This is not the education of the past When achievements lasted for life Noses were kept to the grindstone, The bell was for the teacher And diplomas were for parents… It is the education of now. Distracted like your attention Online and offline, there in your pocket, artificially intelligent, much-awaited, like the first episode of your fave show last season. It will find you in a traffic jam or on social media, just among pics of huskies and Elon Musk. This school is fair, not by inertia. And if the stars are born, They will give lectures here.