Rockwool Noise map Sorry,Guys.Media

Special Projects


Pandemic has gotten everybody home, and flats has become working spaces, gyms and schools. But there were people who decided to spend their self-isolation effectively. For example, to do the repairs, to sing in karaoke for the first time or to manage relationships with the closest ones. Neighboring with these people would be awful without ROCKWOOL. Brand's special project posted on KudaGo helped people to survive isolation at home and to complain about their neighbors, who make a lot of noise

Ideas and solutions

We created interactive map of noise and published it on KudaGo – entertaining platform, that is popular among Russians. Before the pandemic, visitors of the site could find places and events to plan exciting weekend. When the lockdown came, KudaGo decided to support the users and to tell them, how to spend time at home with fun and usefulness. Our project became one of these useful activities. When the user came to project's main page, he or she could point out the home on the map, complain on loud neighbors and to get rid of emotional luggage. This opportunity was taken by 3578 people, 1500 from which shared about their neighbors in social media. Overall, the site was visited by 95 241 users. On average, users spent on the website 6,5 minutes. During this time, they left the comments on the site and learned about the sins of other houses' neighbors.