Rapid delivery service SuperBro Live Typing

Apps Design

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UX, UI & Journey Design


Urgently develop an application for urgent delivery of products from Moscow supermarkets.

Ideas and solutions

SuperBro is a Dostavista courier service application. Users mark their location, choose the nearest store, put the products in the basket, pay and wait for them at home. You can correct your order by calling or writing to the courier. For three months Live Typing has launched the Android version of the application and made a redesign for iOS. We have introduced two unique features, which were not in the first version: the ability to order goods from multiple stores and pay for the courier online. Customized interface elements make SuperBro stand out from the competition. Buttons "drown" when clicked, like buttons from the physical world. Modal windows are made on the principle of Bottom sheet: it is easier to close the window with a skype down than to reach for the "cross". The design not only appealed to the client, but also attracted the attention of users: the retention rate in the application, compared to the site, was higher by 150%.