«Jos» — georgian restaurant with emotional feel-good service Heylook bureau

Interactive projects
Digital Campaigns
«Jos» — Georgian restaurant with emotional feel-good service


Branding: positioning, naming, logo, brand character, visual identification system, print production and packaging, developing interior and exterior design elements, web-site and CRM. Menu: food photo shoot organization, layout development and printing edition of menu. Promotion: communication strategy and TOV, content creation, publications, community-management.

Ideas and solutions

At the start of the project, the R&D group, which consisted of the customer's representatives and a part of our team, went to Tbilisi in order to survey and experience the national color. As a part of the study we agreed that the future brand will become a quintessence of stereotype about Caucasian cheer and hospitality, a place with lively and emotional service. After a detailed analysis of the HoReCa segment in regional market, we developed a platform and a marketing mix, which became a basis for brand characteristics and message development. Traditionally, during a Georgian feast, a toastmaster loudly yells: «Gaumarjos!», — and guests repeat at the top of their lungs three times: «Jos! Jos! Jos!». «Gaumarjos» can be translated as «Let him win» or «Long live!». This figure of speech became an inspiration for our brand-character — open-hearted, cheery, hospitable and modern Jos. He is a character, who has passion for bright palletes and geometric patterns.