sound is an image, time is generation Daria Zakharova

Interactive projects
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I really wanted to create a printed calendar that would be interesting to use in the modern world. Also, I set myself the task: to combine a printed object, a digital format and the use of new technologies.

Ideas and solutions

Project metaphor: sound is an image, time is generation. The project consists of two parts: printed (12 posters, calendars) and digital (site filled with digital content of the project). The calendar for 2021 based on generative graphics. Generative graphics are born from sound and simple geometric shapes. For each month of the year I have selected a unique sound and geometry, as a result, each month of the year has, on the one hand, a random, and on the other hand, a very conscious visualization. *To get acquainted with the digital part of the project, you need to scan the qr-code on any of the calendar posters