SOUND OF LIFE Мигель Андрей

Interactive projects
Non-commercial Projects
Agency's Project

This work
in other

Direction Visual effects


1) We intend to remind people without visual impairment about treasure we have, that sometimes with good eyesight and everything we need to fully feel our world we are missing it. 2) We want to put problem of blind and partially sighted people in the spotlight and show how they feel our world through sounds and touches. 3) Increase the level of public awareness about the problem by forming an agenda on the world day of the blind. 4) To draw attention of large and medium companies

Ideas and solutions

BIG IDEA: DIFFERENT VIEW A human tends to compensate the one of the senses loss through the remaining ones. And sometimes people who "can see" the world in a different way (in particular, through hearing) are able to study, to understand and to perceive it even better than those ones who have the full range of senses. On the one hand, in this project we bring up the important topic which is relevant to a large number of people . On the other hand, we demonstrate that we are ready to learn from these people how to feel every moment much brighter and how to recover from the blindness state when we lose the brightness of the world on the run.