Avitomin Антон Акулов

Interactive projects
Integrated Campaigns


To drive people to buy less new stuff and start using Avito in their daily life by positioning it as a pioneer of circular economy

Ideas and solutions

Avito is the leader of private classifieds, and Black Friday could be his friend. However, Avito stands for conscious consumption. Therefore, we have found a way to fight against Black Friday. Avito presents Avitomin - a tool that affects pleasure centers, and promotes awareness, and distracts the attention of potential buyers in shopping centers, which increases the chance to abandon a purchase. The original naming, as well as the appearance of Avitomin in the hands of buyers right before the consumption situation, will ensure the high efficiency of our solution, as well as the viral effect. In Russia, everyone knows the expression "pills for greed", and our decision will immediately become called that way, and will become popular. In the wake of a large number of posts in social networks, as well as with the support of outdoor advertising, we will launch a special section in the Avito application, which will contain playlists and podcasts to increase awareness - Avitomin in Digital. Thus, we will increase the coverage, as well as give the opportunity to use Avitomin to a person from any region