Vlad is love (bot Зырянов Богдан
This work
in other
Use of Media
Create a brand activation for Valentine's Day and stand out from the crowd of other brands doing their own holiday specials.
Ideas and solutions
Solution: a Twitter bot. Mechanics: the bot searches for the word "love" among all the user's tweets, copies the text that follows, and creates a valentine with the user's avatar, essentially making a forgotten tweet into a unique declaration of love. Result: 600,000+ viral coverage, QIWI Twitter profile visit rate soared 150%+. We did what other brands did not, and our creative was featured into many news collections, for example, on RusBase (https://rb.ru/story/14-fevralya/), Sostav (https://www.sostav.ru/publication/ luchshie-digital-predlozheniya-k-prazdniku-lyubvi-41871.html), TJ (https://tjournal.ru/internet/143422-memnaya-depressivnaya-i-istoricheskaya-v-socsetyah-predlagayut-nestandartnye-otkrytna -den-svyatogo-valentina) and in popular VK groups (for example, https://vk.com/wall-138383301_2221561).