Overheard at metro. Зырянов Богдан

Interactive projects

This work
in other

Creative copywriting


Flex some creative muscles, make a case go viral and increase the agency's brand awareness.

Ideas and solutions

We launched a photo project “Overheard at metro": in the pictures taken near different metro stations in Moscow, we added the words that can be overheard at the subway exit, such as «Should we go to my place?», «We'll just watch a movie», «Sir, can I borrow a cigarette?», etc. (In Russian all these phrases start with the letter M which also symbolises the metro.) We made the project overnight: went and filmed the places, added some Photoshop magic and then posted it to the agency's social accounts and on Pikabu, Russia’s #1 hub for memes. We also shared it with our familiar news editors. The project collected 500K coverage on VK, 70K on Peekaboo, 30K on Telegram and 16K organic coverage on our own Instagram page*. The case also got a feature on the second page of the Metro newspaper. The audience of one issue in Moscow is 668K people, according to Mediascope, NRS. * the project was also reposted by a number of popular Instagram accounts, but we do not take this coverage into account, because some accounts have removed the attribution watermark from the images.