Interactive projects
Integrated Campaigns

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in other

Digital Campaigns Special Projects


Project goals: · Formation of a positive perception of the brand, attitude to it as modern and progressive, speaking the same language with a youth audience; · Behavioral goal is obtaining consent for active interaction with the brand and building long-term relationships with it. Scheduled KPIs: · The number of views of branded video content - 16 million · The number of user contacts collected - 10 thousand

Ideas and solutions

AXE launched their new ICE CHILL product line and wanted to reach gamers in an interactive and memorable way and also gather a database of personal data to continue communication after the campaign. Fact: gamers like to watch other people play as much as they like to play themselves. Enter the interactive all-in-one #CHILLLGAMING experience. AXE became the first brand in Russia to develop a branded interactive Twitch widget that allowed gamers to influence the content of their favourite streamers in real time. Just share your email for a chance to vote and decide what happens on stream next! Participation of top streamers not only gave us wide reach but also established trust between the audience and the brand as well as increased conversion rates. Results exceeded expectations! 1.5 times more video content views (26000000 against expected 16000000) and almost 2.5 times more emails collected (24000 against 10000)