White Noise of the Arctic Володин Максим

Interactive projects
Digital Campaigns
Gazprom Neft
Gazprom Neft


Gazprom Neft implements large-scale programs to control and preserve the Arctic ecosystem. Our task was to tell as many people as possible about this and to do this not boring, but funny and exciting.

Ideas and solutions

To solve this problem, we decided to create an Arctic audio meditation site. We have recorded over 6 hours of invigorating Arctic sounds so that everyone can feel the atmosphere of the Russian north, and at the same time significantly increase the efficiency of their working days. After all, what can invigorate better than the gusts of the north wind in your headphones? To make it more interesting, we divided all the audio into several playlists, in different directions. It's easier to survive the deadline if you listen to sounds from the «Freeze Time» playlist for at least five minutes a day. If you put the «Conquer the Ice of Hearts” playlist on a repeat, it will inspire you to fight with difficult tasks and stubborn customers more than old-school rock. Generating ideas will be easier if you include Arctic hits from the «Refresh Your Mind» playlist in the background. We also natively added information about Gazprom Neft's environmental initiatives to the cards that accompany each sound. User will listen to the funny grunts of the walrus and at the same time learn how the GPN investigates their routes not to disturb walrus with their work. And after meditating to the sound of a storm in the Pechora Sea, user can also read about how the company constantly monitors the chemical composition of the water in order to control its impact on the local ecosystem. Achieved goals and KPIs based on the results of the launch. Total coverage - 98.4 million. Number of messages in the media - 59. Number of messages in social networks - 186. Number of messages in Telegram channels - 20. The total number of visitors of the project site - 36 000 people. The number of times the playlist was listened to on streaming sites - 40 000 times.