Yandex Store and Museum. Shop windows animation Павел Тумаев

Special Projects
Yandex Store and Museum


Yandex Store and museum is the new progressive space created by Yandex. Here visitors can take a look at computers and gaming consoles from different times, buy company's smart devices, clothes and accessories. For the grand opening in St. Petersburg the client chose to use projection on a special film. And we received a task to develop animation for this projection.

Ideas and solutions

We realized that digital signage and multimedia windows, especially on the main avenue of the city, are a part of the urban environment, they form it together with all other elements of the city's streets. So we proposed using not just logos of Yandex services and practical info about the Store and museum, but also make familiar and typical images and signs of St.Petersburg that would deliver it's mood and character. That's how we came up with the animation, based on classical architectural elements, rain covered roofs and bright autumn leaves. They are the backdrop to the logos of Yandex services on the digital windows. This way we not only talk about our client's business, but we put it in the city's context. And the people who are passing by get attracted by the atmospheric sketches, stop to see more and find out what's hidden behind the windows becoming the guests of the Store and museum