Kotovodstvo PRT Edelman Affiliate

Interactive projects
Digital Campaigns


To promote the category of cat treats, to tell the audience about the situations of consumption, to build knowledge about the benefits of the product. To raise awareness of the brand and their communication platform "All it takes is a shake".

Ideas and solutions

Creative campaign “Kotovodstovo: instruction for communication with cat by Dreamies”. We have created a unique comic book, which reflects different situations of handling a cat and landed it on Cosmopolitan journal website with relevant audience. Users could see and download all the comics, sit the test "What kind of kotovod are you?" and discover more about the product. The project was supported by well-known influencers (Rita Dakota, Anatoly Tsoi, Andrew Glazunov, Lyudmila Svetlova and others) who shared their humorous instructions on how to handle a cat in the format of video posts. Project results: more than 100 000 unique readings of the landing page, 6 bloggers and celebrities, more than 1,500,000 views of bloggers' integrations in social networks.