Double Jeopardy Глухов Александр

Interactive projects
People who care
Flu vaccination


Goal: increasing the number of flu vaccinated people of Sverdlovskaya oblast from 52% to 75%. Objective: bringing men and women at the age of 25-34 to get a flu shot

Ideas and solutions

The whole our audience grew up in the 90s, which are called “the roaring nineties” in Russia. Being addicted to unhealthy lifestyle and violating the social norms they’re convinced of being nearly immortal, because neither smoking, nor drinking, nor random sex had killed them. Neither had COVID-19. And the flu of 2020-2021 is utter rubbish. That’s why we decided to use the image of a badass and to show, that refusing to get a shot is at least twice as dangerous because of possibility to get the flu and COVID-19 simultaneously.