Juna - Amanat Александра Мустафина

Music track (piece)


Band information: Juna is a Kazan band playing atmospheric indie folk in the Tatar language. The songs are based on the works of Tatar poets, both the classics of Tatar literature (G. Tukai, H. Taktash) and contemporaries (J. Minnullina, L. Yansuar, etc.). Performed in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Tyumen, Omsk, Cheboksary, Yekaterinburg, N.Novgorod, Ufa, has been featured at almost all open and large venues in Kazan, on regional radio and TV and also worked with a chamber choir and an orchestra.

Ideas and solutions

The indie-band Juna from Kazan is releasing their album "Amanat". It consists of the songs featuring the contemporary Tatar poets’ poems. We want to tell you about the track of the same name from the album. "Amanat" is a song based on a poem by Louise Yansuar. The word "Ämanät" can be translated from Tatar as "deposited" (given to keep). The song "Amanat" is about the feelings of a person who realizes a terrible loss, realizes that all good is temporary, feels emptiness and exhaustion and tries to accept this thought. This can be understood as separation, as death, as a very bitter experience The track is three-part. Each part plunges deeper into the dark world of the lyrical hero. During the recording, the following instruments were used: electric guitar, bass, ukulele, harp, violin, bells, vocals, percussion, programming.