Pandemic. The Art rips off all masks Because nice video

Interactive projects
NPO Center for the Development of Cultural Initiatives
Forum of young artists and arts "Tavrida"


To visualize the significance of the culture and art during a pandemic. To develop a creative video that meets the values​ of the Tavrida forum.

Ideas and solutions

Tavrida is a cure for the pandemic. If the words of hope today sound not so convincing, then let the art to echo through its images, sounds and thoughts of young creators who come to the Tavrida Forum. Tavrida has conducted all-Russian activities and flash mobs, massive online projects and even offline local projects during the pandemic. The art and creativity was the cure which helped people to unite and not lose faith. Young creators were among the first to show the significance and the power of art and supported many with their example. We were first big event to go offline and opened its doors for young creators in summer. Hundreds of young creators arrived to visit Crimean forum in July. Novice artists need extra support at this difficult time.