«Be Happy» cake corner Heylook bureau

Animation, motion-design
«Be Happy»
«Be Happy» cake corner


We assigned a task on the basis of content strategy to create a column in social networks which aim is to form a brand image of a friendly, welcoming, satisfied person, who has a sweet tooth

Ideas and solutions

For profile page of cake corner «Be Happy» we developed a series of clips, that revolves around historical characters who had a reputation of having a sweet tooth among their contemporaries. The following characters were chosen for a column: - Marie Antoinette, who had a passion to cakes and pastry; - Leo Tolstoi – he loved honey much, and even had his own beegarden; - Marina Tsvetayeva – together with her sister she amazed guests by special «tsvetaevskij pie»; - Nickolay Gogol – he could «barter away» his soul for sweets, gingerbread and other desserts; - Agatha Christie nowadays wouldn’t be able to write her detective stories without New-York cheese cake as she couldn’t imagine her life without dairy cream. We created animated video-clips in collage style, which color grade aligned with brand platform. Images of cakes were bright, multicolored, reflecting diversity of tastes, and the characters were monochrome, in retro style. Videos were set in a fictional world, where characters feel the emotions affected by favorite tastes. The characters’ emotions and stories’ comicality were enhanced by using outsized, buffoonish images and audio feedback.