And delivery - Dodo Pizza! Акшова Анастасия

Interactive projects
Dodo Pizza
Delivery service for ready-made pizza from the "Dodo Pizza" pizza

This work
in other

Creative copywriting


The main goal of this advertising campaign is to create a strong association “Dodo Pizza = Pizza Delivery”. The main metric is basic brand knowledge - the first brand in the pizza delivery category. Our goal was to increase the ToM in Russia by 5 percentage points (from 23% to 28%) and significantly increase the gap with the main competitor in the strategically important competitive market - Moscow (22% and 17%). Awareness data for December 2018.

Ideas and solutions

Insight. Ordering ready-made pizza is easy. Pizza satisfies hunger and brings live emotion to any company. Pizza is always appropriate, everyone loves it. An advertising campaign should be the same: easy to remember, carry positive energy, hit the target, and be remembered by the consumer. This means that we need to become a part of the consumer's life, get into the environment and content that our client consumes with pleasure and interest. Idea. Each creative revolved around the phrase "Delivery - Dodo Pizza". We have created 540 unique videos for TV, 218 for YouTube and about 100 for outdoor advertising. Decision. Each video was built on rhymes and consisted of two lines. It began with a phrase that played up the situation to which he was attached. Then the phrase rhymed with the words "A delivery - Dodo Pizza". Thus, the basic message "delivery = Dodo Pizza" was repeated at every point of contact. We have personalized TV commercials depending on the content of the program or channel on which we are hosted, or depending on the day of the week / time / holiday when our advertisement is shown. We have personalized posts on YouTub based on the content category and popular videos the user is watching right now. This mechanic includes unique creatives for leading YouTube channels and bloggers; generic creatives created by content category; and individual video creatives that hit the trends.