Soviet posters of the future Ключевой кадр

Keyframe ltd
Keyframe ltd


As an experiment, we wanted to increase the attendance of our resources among an older audience than we have now - judging by research in the field of the theory of generations, generation X is now the most solvent

Ideas and solutions

We decided to play on the nostalgia of people aged 40 and older for the times of the Soviet Union, when the grass was greener and ice cream tastier The Soviet Union left us a huge cultural layer, one of the elements of which is the unique style of propaganda posters We fantasized what would be depicted on such posters if the USSR held out until 2200. Each of our work has a real prototype, which we adapted with a light touch of humor for our task. The slogans on the posters are an untranslatable play on words and meanings, unfortunately. The attendance of our resources by the older generation has really increased slightly, but they have not yet made orders ;(