The bike of the mind twists the pedals of the cyclist Фоминых Артемий

Interactive projects
Non-commercial Projects
Denis Raudsepp
Exhibition of the artist Denis Raudsepp


The task of the exhibition of the artist Denis Raudsepp was to try to go beyond his own perception. Leave the comfort zone that the modern world offers. Too much is given by itself, without the slightest effort.

Ideas and solutions

From this environment, where all information is brought to our consciousness on a platter, we find ourselves in the conditions of the exhibition: here we need to make an effort not only to understand the paintings, but even to read the text in our native language. Denis's idea: let the artistic expression be caught only after a certain mental tension, conscious and close look. None of the usual fonts were suitable, the special character of the paintings required something completely new. So we decided to make our own headset that would resonate with the images - both graphically and conceptually. We made a font that solved this problem of self-hacking, breaking the boundaries, looking from the outside. All its symbols are on the verge of readability. We tried to find unexpected but still understandable letter shapes, which become meaningful only as a part of the word.