#VictoryPages: Social media history RT
#VictoryPages project is a versatile social media documentary commemorating the 75th anniversary of the defeat of Nazi Germany. The digital, multi-platform, educational project assesses the historical magnitude of May 9th, 1945 through personal impressions of contemporaries and from the fresh perspective of digital art and creativity. It is a story of Victory told by the young, for the young, using the tools and language of modern media over five social networks.
Ideas and solutions
The #VictoryPages project took place on 5 social networks: Facebook - #VictoryExhibit. Young graphic designers and digital artists present their interpretation of the legacy of the Great Patriotic War using Facebook as their exhibition space. Works feature digital colorization, VR-animation, 3D-photos, documentary video sketches and much more. Instagram - #VictoryLetters. "Neverending Letter" is a unique graphic series on Instagram, featuring hundreds of excerpts from original wartime letters with illustrations by young students of the RANEPA School of Design and famous artists Peter Bankov and Mikhail Sorkin, soundtracked by composer Maxim Makarychev. Twitter - #VictoryTweets. Detailed chronology of the last months of the war: the events of 1945 are reconstructed in "real time" on Twitter. Daily reports from the fronts, original newspapers and documents, breaking news from the Soviet Information Bureau and rare footage recreate events in the format of dynamic social media posts, as if Twitter existed during the war. YouTube - #VictoryAlphabet. Each character, each inscription left by Soviet soldiers on the Reichstag building has its own unique story. YouTube-documentary series tell the stories of soldiers and officers, who imprinted their feat on the walls of the Reichstag. VK - #VictorySound. Conversations with creative people about the legacy of the War from Anya Fedorova and Maxim Makarychev (Sirotkin, On-The-Go). The podcast entered the Top 25 Apple Podcasts in May. The common element on all platforms is the specially designed #VictoryFont. Together with type studio Contrast Foundry, we have created a unique font compiled from hundreds of original historical inscriptions. Behind each font character there is a real letter, hand-written by soldiers 75 years ago. Since its launch on January 13, 2020, the project has got over 35 million impressions, 4 million video views, 250,000 interactions, over 50,000 subscribers and 200+ media publications.