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Welcoming address. Vitaly Bykov

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Vitaly Bykov

Vitaly Bykov

REDKEDS , Co-founder, CEO

Since 2000, CEO, co-founder of the creative agency REDKEDS. The agency's client portfolio contains the whole world of modernity: the Moscow Government, Sberbank, Volvo, Mail.Ru Group, DHL, etc. Vitaly studied the course "Proofreading and Layout", and then the course "Editing. Book business ”at the university. He worked in publishing houses. Having accumulated sufficient experience, I made a step towards the digital market. He started working in a design studio, which, through his efforts, became a creative agency. It was experience in various fields and meeting people that helped Vitaly become a successful leader and pass on his knowledge to others. Since 2017, Vitaly has been the organizer and ideological inspirer of Russia's first festival of creative industries, G8.